I’m so glad you’re here. Seriously! Music has meant so much to me, and we are at the cusp of a seismic evolution. The way we participate in its creation and consumption will never be quite the same. At times, I’ve been caught in a love/hate relationship with music. There are so many things I’d like to do with a piece, a phrase, a note, a particular word. There aren’t enough years to accomplish it all. And so, sometimes, I give up and do nothing. I’ve had it. I can’t make something sound the way I want it to.
There isn’t enough pathos, or it doesn’t sound happy enough, or something rings hollow. I’m never satisfied. I could try again and make it better. There’s always a way to make it richer, deeper, more soulful, more genuine. I love poetry and dialogue that is sung. What I love most of all is that there is no definitive way. We can hear the classics again and again with fresh voices and thoughtful interpretations. I hope you enjoy what’s here, and most of all, I hope that this has whet your appetite for more.